(by Shirley McNevich)
5 fresh, large tomatoes (tomatoes that are home grown or from a Farmer's Market work best)
1 tsp. salt
3 TBSP white sugar
1 1/2 TBSP cornstarch
Wash tomatoes and put them in a large bowl. Cover the tomatoes with boiling water and let them sit for 3 minutes. Drain the tomatoes. Use a sharp knife to cut out the core of each tomato. Peel the skin off of each tomato. Cut each tomato into about six pieces and place all of the pieces into a large saucepan. Turn heat to medium--stir while adding the salt. Cook/stir the tomatoes for about 10 minutes (they will fall apart and become juicy). Add white sugar to the tomatoes while stirring. In a small bowl add the cornstarch and a TBSP of water at a time while stirring--keep adding more water until you have a liquid and the cornstarch is completely dissolved. Turn heat down to simmer--add the cornstarch liquid while stirring and keep stirring until the tomatoes thicken. Serve hot.