Sunday, September 06, 2009

#1421 - Fried Cabbage

(by Joyce Ann Schirmacher - friend)

1/2 lb. bacon (cut into small pieces, fried until crisp)
1 TBSP of the bacon drippings
1 small head of cabbage (shredded or finely chopped)
1 cup chopped celery
1 green bell pepper (chopped)
salt and pepper to taste
1 small can mushrooms (do NOT drain)
1/2 cup finely chopped onions

In a greased skillet fry the bacon pieces--fry until crisp. Measure 1 TBSP of the bacon drippings--set aside. Drain the rest of the bacon and leave the drained bacon in the skillet. Add the 1 TBSP bacon drippings, cabbage, celery, green pepper, salt, pepper, mushrooms/juice, and onions to the bacon--stir--put a lid on the skillet and cook it on low heat for 10 minutes (stir occasionally). If cabbage is not done to your liking, replace lid and cook longer.

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